King Solomon Academy is a community aligned around our mission to provide a rigorous and transformational education which prepares our pupils for success at university and beyond. We all commit to living by our four values: aiming high, working together, being kind and leading the way. In so doing, our school is a safe, happy and successful place for pupils to learn and for staff to work.
At the heart of our behaviour policy are the high expectations we have of each and every pupil. KSA staff believe that it is possible for every child to meet our expectations and reach their full potential. We also believe that KSA pupils want to behave well and be successful, both right now and into their future lives. In so doing, KSA pupils become role models who positively influence our community and beyond: they are proud of KSA and speak affectionately of its people and impact.
We believe that clear is kind and kind is clear. We take care to make sure the standards are clear for every pupil and their family, including the praise and rewards pupils should expect when they meet and exceed those standards and the consequences they should expect if they do not meet them. We are an all-through school and have one behaviour approach from when our pupils arrive from age 2, right through adulthood when they leave us at 18. Our expectations are age-appropriate and so are our rewards and consequences. Staff, pupils and parents are therefore expected to commit to these standards at all times to ensure a fair, consistent experience for all.
The policy is responsive to the community we serve: we pursue a trauma-informed approach recognising that many of our pupils have had Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and many have Social and Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) needs. We know that all behaviour is a form of communication and train staff to invest in positive attachment-aware relationships and plan proactively to meet the needs of pupils in many different ways. Pupils who have experienced trauma need the clearest boundaries, with additional role modelling and possibly additional intervention to meet the same high standards we hold of all pupils.
Persistent bullying can severely inhibit a child’s ability to learn effectively. The negative effects of bullying can have an impact on a person for their entire life. This school wishes to promote a secure and happy environment free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behaviour. Therefore, this procedure promotes practices within the school to reinforce our vision, and to remove or discourage practices that negate them.
At King Solomon Academy we have a policy of prevention. Preventing bullying makes it easier to respond to incidents when they occur. It also enables us to create an ethos in which the whole academy community is clear that bullying is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This policy should be used in conjunction with the Academy’s Behaviour Policy.
If you are worried that your child is either a victim or a perpetrator of bullying, please do contact the relevant member of the pastoral team as soon as possible. You should go to your child’s class teacher in primary or form tutor in secondary or their Year Lead in primary or Head of Year in secondary.