All pupils at KSA are served lunch prepared by Accent Catering. We do not have a packed lunch option and pupils may not bring any of their own food to school.
If your child has a particular dietary requirement, please ensure you have communicated this with the school, initially by emailing parents@kingsolomonacademy.org.
If your child has allergies, then you will have shared this information with us when they enrolled. Please keep us up to date with any changes about allergies, so we can keep the kitchen informed.
We are a nut free school and do not serve meals with any nuts in. All meat and ingredients served by Accent at King Solomon Academy are Halal. The butchers used are approved by the HFA.
Pupils in Nursery enjoy their lunch in the Nursery classroom, supported by the Nursery staff.
Pupils from Reception to Year 4 eat in the Main Hall at YYS with their own year group. They have a choice of two hot meals every day.
At the Older Years Site, pupils from Year 5 to 11 dine in the family service model, which means they sit on tables of six, serving each other, and enjoying their meal as a family would at home.
At Sixth Form, students remain onsite for lunch, and can choose from a range of hot and cold options.
The charges per pupil per day are outlined below, and include fruit at break time, and a main meal and dessert at lunch.
The menus are on a three-week cycle, and are shared on this page. There is a vegetarian option – please ensure you have shared whether your child is vegetarian, so we can provide this for them each day.
The menus are reviewed once a full term, and we hold a tasting event for parents once a year at each site. Please do send any feedback, thoughts and questions about school meals to parents@kingsolomonacademy.org.
Paying for school meals
School meals for pupils at the Older Years Site cost £2.50 and £2.00 at the Younger Years Site, per day.
When paying for school meals, all payments should be made online using IPayimpact. Please click here to login. If you need to find out your log-in details, please contact the school.
You may be entitled to Free School Meals. If you would like to find out if you are entitled please here. You can leave the completed application form at reception and we will process this for you. Don’t forget to provide copies of the benefits you receive to support your application.