Uniform Policy
Purchasing school uniform
Stitch Design is the uniform supplier for the whole of King Solomon Academy. We have been through a long and detailed review of the uniform supplies for different age groups of the school and weighed up quality and cost. We are pleased to tell you that you can now find all King Solomon Academy school uniform items in one place, provided by one supplier. It is easy to order items directly from the Stitch Design website, which will be delivered to your home within three days of purchasing.
How to order
1. Visit https://www.stitchdesign.co.uk and click on 'Order your school uniform here'
2. Input the academy postcode: NW1 6RX (please use this postcode whether your child is at YYS or OYS)
3. Click on Ark King Solomon Academy
4. Input your personal details to register.
The images of the school uniform on the website are generic and do not display the school logo. However, the logo will be added on by the time it is delivered to you. Please direct any questions regarding your order to Stitch Design at online@stitchdesign.co.uk. Make sure you include your Purchase Number and details of your enquiry. If you are having any technical problems with the ordering process please call Stitch Design on 01256 771999 where they will be happy to talk you through the process.
We have a samples at OYS and YYS. Please contact the school office at YYS or OYS to arrange to see the samples.
Uniform requirements
Please find below a summary of the essential KSA items for each year group. Parents are welcome to buy other non-KSA branded items from a range of other shops or suppliers.
KSA Nursery and Reception
- Sweatshirt crew-neck (blue)
- Polo shirt (white)
- Jog pants (blue)
KSA Primary (Year 1 to Year 6)
- Knitted v-neck jumper (blue)
- Primary School tie (blue & yellow)
- Sweatshirt crew-neck* (blue)
- Polo shirt* (white) optional
- Jog pants* (blue)
- Infant (Reception to Year 2) or Junior (Year 3 to Year 6) backpack (blue)
All of the jumpers and polo-shirts, as well as the backpacks are embroidered with the KSA logo. Knitted cardigans are also available if preferred to the v-neck jumpers. Pupils in KSA Infant and Junior Schools also need dark-grey trousers or skirt, dark-grey or black socks, a plain-white collared shirt and smart, black shoes which can be purchased elsewhere.
* These items are to be worn on the day of PE lessons each week along with plain-white trainers.
Middle School (Y7-9)
- KSA Blazer (blue)
- Middle School v-neck jumper (grey)
- Middle School Tie
- KSA Senior backpack (black)
Upper School (Y10-11)
All of the above items remain the same except for the jumper and tie:
- Upper School v-neck jumper (navy)
- Upper School tie (dark and light blue)
Pupils in Year 7 to Year 11 also need dark-grey trousers, dark-grey or black socks, a plain white collared shirt and smart, black shoes which can be purchased elsewhere.
Secondary PE Kit
- Sports polo (navy)
- Tracksuit bottoms and/or shorts (navy) - optional
The above items must be purchased from Stitch Design. Pupils will also need a pair of socks (black, grey or white for PE) and a pair of sports trainers.
- Hair ties - black, dark brown, blue
- Headscarves - black, dark blue, dark grey
School Shoes

Uniform Donations
If you have any KSA uniform that your family no longer uses and is still in good condition, we would love to take donations at both sites. This is a great way to support other parents with the cost of uniform, so anything that you do have would be greatly appreciated. If you need second hand-uniform urgently, and cannot wait until the next sale, please contact us on parents@kingsolomonacademy.org.
Uniform Sales
Younger Years Site
Friday 16th June
Lower Playground
Older Years Site
Friday 23rd June
Junior School Playground
Donating at OYS
What: Junior School, Middle School, Upper School uniform
How: Come to Penfold Street office and hand it in at reception anytime that suits you.
Donating at YYS
What: Nursery and Primary uniform
How: Come to Crompton Street office and hand it in at reception anytime that suits you.