Why is attendance important?
All children of school age have the right to an efficient full-time education, regardless of age, aptitude, ability or any special need they may have. Regular academy attendance is essential if a child is to make the most of the educational opportunity available to them. King Solomon Academy takes the responsibility to monitor and promote the regular attendance of all its pupils very seriously. It acknowledges the transformational impact of excellent attendance and that irregular attendance can disrupt continuity of learning, undermines educational progress, can lead to underachievement/low attainment and impedes the child’s ability to develop friendship groups within the academy.
The whole academy community – including all parents - must take responsibility for attendance.
The law
Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 states that children between the ages of 5-16 should attend the school regularly. The Academy must keep 2 registers: admissions register, which serves as the Academy roll, and an attendance register. Attendance registers must be called twice a day: at the start of the day in the morning and during the afternoon session. The register must show whether the student is present, engaged in an approved educational activity, off-site or absent. When a student is absent, the register must also show whether the absence was authorised by the Academy or unauthorised. Authorised absence means where the Academy has given approval in advance, or where a satisfactory explanation was given afterwards.
Registers are legal documents
It is the responsibility of staff to mark registers accurately.
It is the Parent/Carer’s responsibility to ensure their child attends the Academy regularly to ensure their child’s attendance is close to 100% as possible, also that their child is on time. All pupils need to be given the opportunity to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered King Solomon Academy.
In order to maximise their learning all students must attend the Academy regularly and arrive on time: by 8:35am on Younger Years Site, by 8:30am in Junior School and by 8:20am in Secondary. The Academy day runs from 8:15-3:30pm on Younger Years Site and 8:10-4:00pm on Older Years Site with an early finish on both sites on a Monday where all pupils are offsite by 3pm. Sixth Form lessons finish at 3pm but students must be available to remain onsite until 4pm.
Reporting absence
King Solomon Academy expects parents to contact the school before the start of the school day if they are making the decision to keep their child at home.
All absences should be reported to the school using the online Pupil Absence Form.
The online form should be completed on each day of a child's absence.
If the child is off for more than three consecutive days, or has historically low attendance, or patterns of absence, evidence of illness such as a doctor's note will be required to authorise the absence. Otherwise, the absence will be authorised at the school’s discretion depending on the reason for absence. The doctors note should be given to reception within 7 days of the absence. Please note, presentation of a prescription does not automatically authorise an absence, nor does a note from a doctor acknowledging that the child was seen, or an appointment slip for a GP visit.
Both authorised and unauthorised absences count as statistical absences. When we become concerned about a child’s attendance, we will always try to talk to you about it to improve it together. We may suggest a referral to the School Nurse or other Early Help services. Parents can also receive Penalty Charge Notices from the Local Authority for significant unauthorised absence.
We strongly request all parents use this system. We appreciate that the online form might be more difficult to access for some parents so we continue to also check the school’s voicemail for reported absence, which can be done by phoning 0207 563 6900 (opt 1 for Years 5-13; or opt 2 for Years N-4).
Medical appointments
At King Solomon Academy, we strongly advise families to make appointments, especially routine check-ups, outside of school hours or during school holidays in order to avoid disrupting the learning of the child and their class. Where appointments during the school day cannot be avoided, KSA asks that families give advanced notice (at least one day before) unless it is an emergency.
All appointments should be reported to the school using the online Pupil Medical Appointment Form. A member of school staff may follow up with a phone call to parents before authorising the appointment. A pupil cannot leave school without an appointment slip which has been completed by the relevant member of staff.
Medical appointments count as statistical absences and like any absence from school have a negative impact on pupil’s success at school. 100% attendance awards require pupils to be present for morning and afternoon registration every day.
Exceptional Leave
In exceptional circumstances such as an urgent family emergency, the graduation of a family member or a UK Citizenship ceremony, the school may authorise a child’s absence during school time. You must complete this Exceptional Leave of Absence request before making firm arrangements i.e. before buying tickets.
Good attendance and punctuality depend on a partnership between pupils, parents and carers, the academy and outside bodies. For its part, the school expects the following from pupils and parents and itself follows this practice:
Pupils are expected to:
a) Attend school every day
b) Arrive at school in good time (by 8:35am on Younger Years Site, by 8:30am in Junior School and by 8:20am in Secondary)
c) Attend all lessons punctually
d) Catch up on all work missed due to absence
Parents are expected to:
a) Ensure that their children attend school.
b) Ensure that their children arrive at school in good time for registration each morning: by 8:35am on Younger Years Site, by 8:30am in Junior School and by 8:20am in Secondary.
c) Complete the online absence form, before the start of the school day, on the school website here if their child is unable to attend for any reason before 8.30am, or call the school if not possible to complete the form on 0207 563 6900 (opt 1 for Years 5-13; or opt 2 for Years N-4). This should be completed on each day of a child’s absence.
d) Ensure that their children are in correct school uniform.
e) Ensure that their children are correct equipped for school.
f) Arrange medical appointments outside school time where possible.
g) Ensure that no holidays are booked during term time.
h) Contact their child’s form tutor/class teacher in the first instance, copying in the relevant Attendance Officer for Younger Years or Older Years Site to discuss any concerns that they may have, and which could affect their child’s attendance.
i) Ensure that the school has up to date contact details.
King Solomon Academy staff are expected to:
a) Contribute to a school culture where pupils feel safe, happy and successful.
b) Emphasise at all times the importance of excellent attendance.
c) Register pupils’ attendance and absence efficiently and accurately at the start of the school day and after lunch, according to current regulations, using Bromcom.
d) Record the attendance and lateness of pupils during each lesson using Bromcom teachers must complete the registers within the first 5 minutes of the lesson.
e) Contact parents by text and telephone if a pupil is absent.
f) Work in partnership with parents to identify root causes of frequent absence, offer relevant support and refer continued poor attendance on to relevant authorities.
g) Notify the DSL in cases of concern around the implications of non-attendance if you are concerned about a child’s welfare.
h) Promote attendance by taking account of each pupil’s individual needs.
i) Co-operate fully with other agencies to encourage punctual attendance at school.
j) Provide regular reports on each pupil’s attendance to parents.
k) Set demanding yet realistic targets for whole school attendance. k) Reward pupils with positive attendance.
Intervention Processes
The Academy has an escalating approach to reinforcing high levels of attendance and intervening in respect of absence concerns with consistency and rigour:
Blue (97 - 100%): The form tutor (secondary) or class teacher (primary) has responsibility for praising pupils in this group for high attendance and supporting improvement for pupils in the green group through monitoring, conversations and weekly rewards. Leaders praise 97%+ attendance through assemblies and rewards.
Green (95 - 96.9%): The form tutor (secondary) or class teacher (primary) has responsibility for praising pupils in this group for high attendance and supporting improvement for pupils in the green group to blue. Emerging concerns are addressed by a first email to parents from the attendance team alerting parents to a possible drop and inviting them to share concerns with form tutor/class teacher.
Yellow (93 - 94.9%): Interventions are triggered for all pupils with attendance below 95%. The form tutor / class teacher will address concerns through parent phone calls and then escalate to parent meetings. Form tutors/class teachers are supported by Heads of Year (secondary) or Assistant Principals (primary), who will promote improvement for pupils in the yellow group through monitoring, conversations and regular contact with parents. Year Leads monitor these actions in their weekly Year Team Meeting and report back to their Senior Leader in their weekly Safeguarding Leadership meeting.
Amber (90 - 92.9%): At this stage, it is likely the Head of Year or Secondary Assistant Principal / Primary Assistant Principal will be supporting the form tutor/class teacher to escalate concerns with families alongside support of the attendance team to promote improvement for pupils in the amber group through monitoring, conversations and contact with parents. These pupils’ attendance progress will be reviewed each week in year team meetings. Leaders will consider targeted external interventions e.g. referrals to school nurse, Early Help, therapeutic services. Year Leads monitor these actions in their weekly Year Team Meeting and report back to their Senior Leader in their weekly Safeguarding Leadership meeting.
Red (50.1 - 89.9%): Attendance below 90% is considered a very serious matter and a pupil with less than this is called a Persistent Absentee (PA). Head of Year or Assistant Principal will be supported by other Senior Leaders to intervene with these pupils. As this attendance percentage falls below the Government Persistent Absence target, all pupils in this group will be subject to an Absence Action Plan detailing the additional support required to improve that pupil’s attendance (e.g. additional support for parents, mentoring, external agency involvement). All pupils in this group will also be made known to the Education Welfare Officer and Legal Services at the Local Authority. They may wish to work with parents/carers to improve the attendance of the pupils in the red group. This includes taking legal action where required. These pupils’ attendance progress will be reviewed each week at Attendance meetings.
Pink (0-50%): Absence rates more than 50% is considered an exceptionally serious matter and a pupil with less than this is called Severe Absentee (SA). All pupils in this group will be subject to an Absence Action Plan detailing the additional support required to improve that pupil’s attendance. All pupils in this group will also be made known to the Education Welfare Service and Legal Services at the Local Authority. They will work with parents/carers to reduce the absence of the pupils and support families to remove barriers to good levels of attendance. This includes taking legal action where required. This may also result in a referral to Children’s Social Care. These pupils’ attendance progress will be reviewed each week at Attendance meetings.