This year our students went even bigger and better than last year. Teachers, support staff and students dressed in clothes representing their background, nationality, cultural identity or simply a country of their interest. We had wonderful traditional outfits from countries such as Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Algeria, Sudan, Lebanon, Palestine, Ghana and Kosovo to name just a few. We even saw our Principal Mr Haimendorf showing off his Scottish heritage in his kilt!
At the start of the day, students spent Period 1 sharing stories about their clothing and cultural backgrounds and each class Yr5-11 welcomed two sixth form ambassadors to share their stories. Pupils learnt more about the lives of their form tutors and celebrated their diversity. Below is Ms Rahman and 8 Pembroke sharing their many stories together.
During lunch, students were treated to information and food from the Caribbean, including Bajan Chicken and Stew Caloo. A big thank you to Junaid in Yr13 for putting together the information and designs for lunchtime. In the afternoon Yr5-Yr11 visited the International Fair put on by our Sixth Form students. Sixth formers prepared stalls with information (and sometimes tasty treats) from their countries, some pictures of the amazing stalls are below.
We finished the day with the Sixth Form and Upper School International Fashion show run by former students who are now teachers Ms Hayat and Ms Aziz. The students did a exceptional job at showcasing their traditional clothes during the fashion and at the same time raised some money for the Yr13 prom.
We are extremely proud of our community’s diversity and the KSA values of ‘Work Together’ and ‘Be Kind’ that were showcased on this day.
A huge thank you to our wonderful parents who supported their children to be proud of wearing their traditional clothes on this day, the Sixth Form students who ran so much of the day and our staff who were so willing to share their own histories on this special occasion.