General Nursery Questions
1. What makes your nursery different?
Each setting is different. Here are some ways in which KSA Nursery is special:
- You will join our KSA family. Our mission is to provide all pupils with the choice to attend university when they graduate at 18 years of age and to be happy and successful people. This includes becoming part of a community of pupils, parents and teachers brought together by their shared dedication to achieve success.
- Brand new, state of the art indoor and outdoor learning environment.
- Personalised teaching and learning experiences in a rich, stimulating provision.
- Weekly opportunities for enrichment through our Forest school, Music and PE specialist provision.
- Knowledgeable, warm and empathetic staff who will form positive relationships with both you and your child.
2. Will there be any additional classes my child can take such as languages, dance, forest school or music?
Yes! Children will have weekly sessions including:
- Forest school and gardening with our qualified Forest School practitioner. Forest school is a holistic, child-centred learning process which takes place outdoors in our beautiful woodland garden and nursery outdoor space. Forest Schools sessions are based in play and exploration and develop risk taking, confidence, teamwork and communication through imaginative, first-hand experiences.
- Music will involve much singing and musical play. Children will engage with a range of different types of singing, sounds and music from diverse cultures. We will play and perform music, experimenting with movement and dance. Children will also begin the 'Letters and Sounds' phase 1 phonics program which explores environmental and instrumental sounds as well as body percussion, rhythm and rhyme. Children will also learn simple songs and rhymes which promote routine and helps them to understand and transition through the day.
- PE will be support children's Physical Development - a vital area of learning. Children will explore movement both indoors and outdoors with and without apparatus. They will be gently supported to take physical risks, such as climbing or balancing unaided. Our provision will provide plenty of opportunities to develop children's fine and gross motor skills.
3. How will the nursery work with parents?
Parents are our first partners. We believe we are helping you to raise your children to be happy and successful people and want to maximise our sense of teamwork and support for each other:
- Staff will be available at drop off and pick up to discuss any questions or concerns you may have and chat to you about your child's progress.
- If you would like a more in-depth conversation, appointments can be made to speak to a member of staff.
- A Nursery Manager will be available at the start and end of the nursery day or by phone or email as required.
- Stay and play - in a non-Covid world, parents are welcome into the setting from 8 - 8.30 every morning to settle their child into the day, enjoy learning together with the team and meet other parents.
- We have 2 parents' evenings a year in Autumn and Spring term with an end of year report in July.
- Home learning workshops where parents, staff and children work together to learn about Early Years Education and how you can best support your child's development at home.
- Weekly all-through coffee mornings offer a range of topics designed to address current agenda items and parental requests.
4. How will children enter and leave the nursery?
The entrance which is always available for Nursery is Park Place Villas. This has a buggy park and is principally an entrance for nursery families. At the start and end of the day only, parents can drop off and collect from the Crompton Street entrance too, specifcially between 8.20am and 8.30am and 3.20pm and 3.30pm (2.50pm on a Monday). This coincides with the primary school day. All other drop offs and pick ups are from Park Place Villas.
5. I'd like to know more about the staff involved in the nursery? Who are they are what qualificaitons do they hold?
The leader responsible for the quality of provision in the nursery is Michelle Loo, Head of Early Years. Ms Loo has many years of experience leading nursery settings. Our nursery teaching is led by Nursery Lead Teacher, who is a qualified teacher and a number of Early Years Practioners and Senior Early Years Practitoners. There will always be the appropriate number of Level 3 qualified staff in the provision as a minimum. As the provision is expanding in September 2021, there are a number of new staff being recruited but also there is stability and continuity from the team currently in Nursery.
2 Year Old Provision
1. When would my 2 year old child start?
Two year olds would normally start soon after they turn 2. For Local Authority Paid Places, the start date is the term after they turn 2. For example if they turn to in October, they would start in January. Paying places can start flexibly, immediately after the child turns 2.
2. I’d like my child to be in year round provision. Why are you only in term time?
We only operate in term time as we believe this is the majority need in our area, and because as a school, our staff and facilities are set up to operate in the school term. School terms can be viewed on our website.
3. I want hours that are different to what is offered. Can you be flexible?
We have thought carefully about the provision we can offer to make it high quality and sustainable. We want to be able to support our families, particularly those with older siblings at KSA to ensure the timings of the provision match the school timings. If you have a specific request please outline this on your admission form when you apply, or to discuss it please email
4. How do I know if I’m eligible for Local Authority funding?
You can read more about 2 year old funded places here. You can receive this if you receive:
- income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Universal Credit - if you and your partner have a combined income from work of less than £15,400 a year after tax
- tax credits and you have an annual income of under £16,190 before tax
- the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act
- the Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
5. I’m worried about my child sleeping/not sleeping at lunch time, how will this be managed?
All 2 year old children who are staying a full day will have nap time from 1pm - 2pm. This occurs after lunch and morning dismissal so there will be minimal distractions. The children will have a busy and engaging morning so will benefit from a rest. The room will be set up with sleeping mats, dim lighting and soothing sounds. All children will be encouraged to lie down and have quiet time, even if they do not 'nap'. We will work together with families to understand the conditions that best support sleep for your child. Children becoming familiar with this routine will be supported by an adult if necessary, until they have developed independence.
6. Do children wear a uniform in the 2 Year old provision?
We know that sometimes that 2 year old children require a change of clothes, and quickly change sizes, so our 2 year olds do not wear a uniform. As part of transitioning to the 3-4 year old space they start to wear KSA nursery uniform, which is a PE kIt. This is part of them getting used to school life, and helps mark a transition, for adults and children from the 2 year old to the 3 year old provision. 2 year olds should be dressed in clothes that support easy changing, and things that you are happy to get a bit messy as that’s part of the fun of playing. T-shirts and jogging bottoms are often the most appropriate things to wear with good quality trainers, or wellies in the winter.
3 Year Old Provision
1. When would my 3 year old child start?
If your child is not already in the nursery when they have turned 3, they will start at the start of the next academic term, i.e. in September, January or April when a space becomes available. Most places are available in September, as small number of places may be available in January or April.
2. I’d like my child to be in year round provision. Why are you only in term time?
We only operate in term time as we believe this is the majority need in our area, and because as a school, our staff and facilities are set up to operate in the school term.
3. Is there are after school care available?
You can pay for your child to attend after school care from 3.30pm-5.30pm. The cost of this for a 3 Year old is £12 a day, (or £15 on a Monday, as the provision is longer).This care should be booked in advance to guarantee the place.